Monday, June 2, 2008

Freedom of Speech Is An American Concept: Mark Steyn & The BC HRC, Day I

Remember how much fun you had reading Mark Steyn's blow-by-blow analysis of the Conrad Black trial? Just imagine how much fun you'll have reading Andrew Coyne's sardonic updates now that it's Steyn's turn to sit before a legal body that has already decided upon the defendant's guilt.

But please remember, friends: "Freedom of speech is an American concept." So I don't want to hear any of you right-wing loonies whining about what may or may not be overtly fascist about this case. Liberty is so last century. It's passed time that we get with the times.

Coyne's liveblogging at the link.

UPDATE: And, of course, I would be remiss if I forgot to mention Ezra Levant's flurry of blog posts today regarding Steyn's trial. Every word is worth reading.

Does Levant have high hopes for the trial's outcome?

This is the same B.C. Human Rights Tribunal that has come up with such gems as a ruling that McDonald's can't force its staff to wash their hands, because it's discrimination; or that bus drivers have the right to take 118 sick days a year. They're nuts.

Levant also fills us in on some juicy details from Khurrum Awan's testimony. For instance, Awan now admits that his demands of Maclean's magazine included money as well as the right to a submission of "equal length and prominence" which boils down to a cover story. How unreasonable of Maclean's to reject this magnanimous compromise.

UPDATE II: Jay Currie catches us up on Chair of the Tribunal Heather MacNaughton's specs as well as provides some excellent information about the lawyers on both sides.

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